To be able to run the filtration algorithm you need to be running PoreXpert Professional. The filtration algorithm is able to simulate straining of particles flowing through the unit cell from top to bottom in the current version, in future versions the direction of filtration may be changeable dependent on sufficient demand. The filtration screen is shown in the next figure and allows the user to choose the fluid flowing through the unit cell by changing the material to another liquid in the materials database. The default fluid used by the filtration algorithm is water, and the particles being strained are defined as calcium carbonate particles by default. This can be changed by selecting another solid material in the materials database.


filtration screen




This operation may take a very long time to complete, depending on your hardware capabilities and the unit cell size. For a 20 x 20 x 20 unit cell the filtration of one particle can take in excess of an hour on a slow computer.