Horizontally Banded Structures

Horizontally banded : Small to large / Large to small

There are three types of horizontally banded structures in PoreXpert, these structures are used to model samples with distinct layers of pore size distribution such as two stainless steel sinters placed together, the first kind of structure is when the structure is arranged horizontally with pores going from small to large or large to small. An example horizontally banded small to large structure is shown in the next figure. The small features are at the top of the unit cell and the large features are at the bottom of the unit cell. This kind of structure is relevant if you are modelling mercury porosimetry samples which have the large pores blocked off using a resin we refer to this technique as shielded mercury porosimetry.

horizontal small to large

Figure showing a horizontally banded structure with water permeating into the small pores at the top of the unit cell.


Horizontal: Large Surface Throats


An example horizontally banded structure with large surface throats is shown in the next figure. This kind of material would be suitable to model two coarse sinters sandwiching a fine sinter in the middle.

large surface throats

Figure showing a horizontally banded large surface throats structure with water permeating into the large pores at the top of the unit cell.