PoreBatch is a smart Batch system that allows multiple operations to be running simultaneously depending on the specifications of the computer. The Batch system will distribute the operations onto separate threads or cores where the operations can be run in parallel. Some operations can not be run in parallel or are dependent on a preceding operation before the operation can start. The maximum number of parallel operations is one less than the total number of threads your computer has. So if your computer has four threads, three threads can be used for operation calculations and the fourth thread updates the user interface.


To inform you that an operation is running there is a symbol beneath the operations list which flashes while a batch operation is being performed.


Adding operations to a Batch

There are three ways that you can add operations to a Batch.

1.The first option to add operations to a batch is to use the PoreXpert menu bar and add individual operations to the operations list manually in the order you want the operations performed.
2.The second option is to use the command open batch description in the PoreBatch menu on the menu bar. This command will allow you to select a previously saved PoreXpert file, and it adds all of the operations to the operation list. The Open batch description command is only available in PoreXpert Professional and can be used to load PoreBatch templates.
3.The third option is to right click in the operations list and insert the operations manually.



Editing operations in the operations list

The operations list can be edited by removing unwanted operations or inserting operations between operations if forgotten. If you right click on an operation a menu appears and this allows you to insert an operation directly below the operation you selected.

If you press the delete button while an operation is selected in the operations list you can remove unwanted operations, alternatively you can right click on the operation and select the delete option in the menu.


Running a Batch

To run a batch add all of your operations to the operations list and then press "Shift + R" or press the "run batch now" button.


Running a Batch in the Cloud

If your operation list has operations that can be completed on your local system, but would take a long time to complete you have the option of getting the data using the PoreXpert Cloud system. Instead of using the run batch now option click on the option "run in the cloud" or press "Shift + C" this sends the batch file to us via secure email. If it fails you can send the batch file manually to support@porexpert.com.

If you have operations that are not included in your version of PoreXpert or exceed the capabilities of the version you are using, the run batch now option is disabled and you have the option to run the batch in the cloud.