PoreXpert change log

Unlike much other software, once you purchase a PoreXpert licence, updates (although not upgrades) are supplied free of charge.
PoreXpert is in continual use for research and development, and we regularly receive feedback from users.
Where possible, such feedback is acted on, and changes are included in the next release.
Details of planned, current and previous updates are shown in the table below.

The latest update of the Help pages accessible from this website was on 9th February 2022.  The update includes answers to questions posed by attendees at a recent online training programme, and is now more up to date than that supplied with Build 703 detailed below.

Type of releaseDateVersionDescription of change
Upgrade2023> 3.1.713Corrected stabilisation of extreme pore skew attempts within Simplex parameter space
Various cosmetic changes such as rounding limits
Access to Portuguese language on-the-fly activated
Warning re slow calculation now only shows for unit cells greater than 25x25x25, which is normally the licence limit.
Convergence on to channel porosity, as measured by porometry and image analysed SEM, rather than open porosity.
Improved precision of automatic cluster identification applied to porometry files
Total numbers of different void types displayed on Fitting dropdown menu after fitting completed
Update20th July 20222.1.710Correct the loading of .pXt and .poreXpert files when user has a non-English locale
Material name PoreXpert Mercury changed to PX Mercury
Better precision control of percolation results shown in operations screen and in progress commentary line under the operations list
_Summary.csv file edited to give correct outputs for percolation
Set number of auto cluster iterations automatically
Maximum number of percolation intermediates reduced to 10, since previous maximum of 100 was unachievable.
Improved stability when working in a corporate network environment, with respect to handling of the learning experience datafiles.
Update20th July 2021 2.0.703
LICENSE CONTROLLER - allowed unit cell sizes increased to 25x25x25 to match advanced tutorials
- Time-limited licence count-down timer corrected.
TARGETED MODIFICATION - Relative size reduction modification calculation debugged.
- Bug fixed which caused reversion to defaults on clicking Modify button.
- Both Material choice sections now made invisible for non-Development licence holders, as not yet implemented.
- Volume calculation error fixed. Porosity now correctly updated in both Run and Batch modes, and reported to Operations screen.
- Busy indicator added to mouse icon during calculation.
- Worker thread timer timespan set longer for very large unit cells to prevent false early re-setting.
- New Collapse tab added to reduce sizes to minimum of selected range.
- All selection sliders linked to textboxes.
- All selection and modification textbox entries sanity checked. Related error messages translated to other 5 languages.
- Status indicator (Selecting... / Selected / Error)
OPERATIONS SCREEN - now shows nano-permeabilities correctly.
- Reports porosity after Targeted Modification operations rather than not-useful number of modification operations.
SIMPLEX PAGE: Fitting Results, Cell Properties dropdown menu : 'Number of void features' label changed to 'Maximum number of void features', in all 6 languages.
Update7 December 20202.0.690LICENSE CONTROLLER - Maximum unit cell sizes in trialware version increased to 15x15x15 pores to match default and tutorials
Update20 October 20202.0.688Bug fix to prevent crash on return from Building page to Homepage
Updated encryption and revised EULA
Output pore, cluster and throat size distributions to CSV format
Load / save pore, cluster and throat size distributions from and to PoreXpert .PXT format file
Add new error messages to AutoCluster operation and graphical user interface (GUI)
Updated online latest version checking function with minor modifications
Fixed missing ClusterPage_TitleFontSize in German resources file
Fixed cluster ratio value bug causing crash in French when AutoCluster selected
Changed default unit cell size to 15x15x15 so that default click-through works with auto cluster
Simplified GUI labels in auto cluster page, and corresponding Help files, all in 5 languages
New error message if incomplete auto cluster ops are present in a batch to be run, in 5 languages
Upgrade to version 230 July 20202.0.675Mainly automated cluster analysis (Auto Cluster)