The tutorials within this section cover the initialisation of the model, by opening an experimental data file, performing a compression correction of the data file if required, running the simplex on the data file to create a unit cell which is then built for subsequent operations with the software.


If you are using Porometry data we recommend that you follow the porometry tutorial to cover the initialisation stages of the software.


The initialisation tutorials have been designed to run showing the benefits of Porexpert when compared to Pore-Cor Research Suite, the calculations should take a maximum of two hours for this tutorial section. If you want to use the capillary bundle structure it is recommended that you also follow the capillary bundle tutorial.


A list of the tutorial files used and created by this section of the tutorial are listed below:


Data files required



Data files created

Clashac initialisation results.pXt


Reporting Files created

Clashac initialisation.pdf
Clashac initialisation_Summary.csv
Clashac initialisation_0_Sampling, ID.csv
Clashac initialisation_1_Curve Fitting.csv
Clashac initialisation_2_Unit Cell Building.csv


PoreBatch file that undertakes the tutorial (Will work in parallel with PoreXpert Professional and linearly with PoreXpert Standard).

Clashac initialisation batch 15x15x15.pXt


To use the PoreBatch file all you need to do is open the PoreBatch file above and on the home screen click on "Run batch list".


The aims of the initialisation section of the tutorial is to introduce file opening, simplex fitting and building and viewing the unit cell.


Initialisation Aims

Experimental data file opening
Compression correction
Simplex fitting
Building a unit cell
Viewing the unit cell in 2D and 3D.
Creating CSV and PDF reports.