Software and documentation

Free trial version of PoreXpert

For a free 14 day trial, please register. You can then download PoreXpert to try out some of its most important functions, as listed on the Specifications page.

To update your version of PoreXpert to the latest release

Go to the Installation page.

Stand-alone unit cell viewer

The unit cell viewer reads output files from PoreXpert (.pXt or .porexpert extension), and shows any unit cells within the output file in 3D virtual reality.  A range of structures are available from the datafiles download page. Alternatively you and your colleagues can view unit cells from your own saved PoreXpert output files.

To run the free viewer,  first register for access to the user download pages, or simply login there if you have already registered. Then download the .msi or zipped version of the installer.  The installer has been tested for viruses, and is signed by PoreXpert Ltd, so please respond positively to any firewall warnings.  Once installed, the viewer is very simple to use, and has optional built-in Help prompts that will switch on by default.


PoreXY is the PoreXpert porosimetry pre-processor, available free to all who register on this website. It corrects for and measures sample solid-phase compressibility (bulk modulus). It also allows easy trimming and thinning of data, for improved input to PoreXpert and easier calculation of the first derivative (slope) of the intrusion curve. Full details are given in its Help and Tutorial pages.

User Guides

Getting started guide: Getting Started Guide PoreXpert v2 May 2021 A5

User Manual:

  • February 2021 edition: PoreXpert v2 User Manual.
  • June 2021 edition detailing changes, mainly to Targeted Modification, incorporated into build 700, due for release mid July 2021: PoreXpert v2 User Manual (June 2021) .
  • October 2024 edition, detailing v3 beta release, primarily channel porosity and its visualisation for interpretation of image-analysed electron micrographs: register as a user of this website, go to the user pages, and download the PoreXpert v3 User Manual.

Training programme

A typical programme for an on-line training programme comprising three 4-hour sessions: PoreXpert online training programme .

Licence updater

Download this signed Remote Updater Software if your licence needs updating or upgrading, by means of changes to your hardware Sentinel LDK key (hardware dongle).  After downloading the zip file, unzip it and run it. RUS_PX_V2

PoreXpert Version 1

For access to PoreXpert version 1 documentation please visit the v1 Help files.